Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fall Colors

Some early fall shots of Colorado Springs. These were taken in September 2015. It didn't seem like fall when I took them - it just seemed like a normal day - but it was early in the morning, and the early morning light brought out the burnt orange in the landscape.

The mountain, of course, is Pikes Peak. The distinctive red formations below it is Garden of the Gods. Cheyenne Mountain is to the left.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Wild Rabbits

rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com

We take rabbits for granted. They are all around us, and usually run away at any sign of an intruder.

I have a rabbit who lives in my backyard. I planted some sod and plants over the summer, and he (or she, I just think of it as a guy) really liked that. When I work outside, I will sometimes look up and he will be staring at me from a couple of feet away. It's a little unnerving at times.

rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com

But he's very friendly. I don't feed him, but there is plenty of edibles for him in the backyard. He even built a little escape tunnel under one of my gates, I saw him scurry through it once.

Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com

But I digress: these shots are not of my pet rabbit. I took these of a little rabbit colony that lives in Palmer Park. I know, why do I bother taking pictures of rabbits. Well, because they are there.

rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
Garden of the Gods Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com
rabbits Palmer Park Colorado Springs coloradoviews.filminspector.com