Change of Seasons
I was out and about at sunrise today, October 27, 2013, taking pictures. The mountains look much different in the morning light, but once it's gone, you have to wait another day. So, when the windows start showing something other than blackness, it's time to get a move on if you want to capture that effect.
These pictures are primarily of Pikes Peak, Cheyenne Mountain, and glimpses of Garden of the Gods. Garden of the Gods is the red sandstone (I believe that's what it's made of) formation at the very base of Pikes Peak. It was willed to the City of Colorado Springs roughly a hundred years ago, and is a major tourist attraction.
The leaves are changing, but they are not quite at their peak yet late in October. Many trees, though, are at their maximum color. It is impossible to time pictures so that all the trees are looking their best. Natured just doesn't operate that way. I do prefer the moment at the beginning of the cycle, as here, when all the trees still have their leaves, yet some are clearly at the last stage before they start losing them.
The fall colors definitely are here, if not everywhere, and they will increase a bit over the next week or so. These shots are pretty close to the peak of beauty in my humble opinion.
I had my own adventure in between taking these shots. As this is Sunday, I somehow wound up in a nearby church for their service. It was an African-American congregation, and everyone was impeccably dressed and polite. Good people are everywhere if you look for them. An impressive service, and probably a good thing for me, too. What can I say, these odd things just happen to me sometimes, and definitely are not planned. But they are the best moments of all.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these shots. Just imagine you were here, in flyover country, on your morning walk.
It was a beautiful morning |
A typical walk, Cheyenne Mountain to the left, Pikes Peak dead ahead |
In the morning light, Garden of the Gods and the road cuts really stand out |
Cheyenne Mountain |
A look east, toward the sun, that's a new hospital |
A neighbor's impressive display |
My front yard tree |
Cheyenne Mountain at the right |
Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods |