
Friday, August 22, 2014

Red Rose Pictures 22 August 2014

22 August 2014

The roses are in perfect bloom right now, and they haven't all flowered yet.

The exact time I photograph them makes a big difference. The angle of the sun's rays determines what is highlighted and what is obscured. These were taken in mid-afternoon, which I think is the best time to get a full sense of them, though the morning and evening sun brings out other facets of their beauty as well.

Roses in Colorado Springs. Lots of rain this summer, kind of rainy today as well. These plants love all the water. Of course, so do the weeds, have to stay right on top of those. But these plants which were pretty much given up for dead in March when I transplanted them are now looking phenomenally healthy and vibrant in August.

Incidentally, yes, I could cut them and bring them inside. However, I like going out and looking at them, even though I know they won't last long that way. Just seeing them in their natural state and realizing I was a small part in making it happen makes me feel good.

roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs

Here are some from the next day, 23 August 2014.

On a side note, the very first, faint glimmer of fall: some of the lavendar from my front-yard bush has fallen off. I have no idea what the timing is, perhaps it is inherent in the bush, or perhaps it is some obscure combination of wind, sun angle, night temperature, or the movement of the bees that hover around it. But fall - it's coming. The great bush has spoken.

roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs

Some more pictures, 25 August 2014. I'm going to get an excellent idea of when the plant life around here peaks and starts going away - it will probably happen quickly not long after Labor Day. But we'll see.

What's kind of amusing is that after raining almost every day during June and July, we've now had about two weeks without a drop. That's the real Colorado. However, I had enough stored from the rains so that I've been able to keep watering everything anyway.

While some folks might find bugs and bees in their garden an annoyance, I love it. Their presence proves that the garden is working and thriving. I'd be concerned if they were not there. The garden is set apart from the house by a concrete walkway and there are no doors nearby, so they can have a ball out there without bothering me at all.

roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs
roses Colorado Springs

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