
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pikes Peak and Clouds April 2013

A few shots I've taken over the past few weeks. This is a good time of year to capture images of Pikes Peak, as the snow is recent, but it is warming up down here in the foothills.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Deer April 11 2013

Some pictures of the local wild deer here in Colorado Springs. Deer are always good subjects, almost as good as Pikes Peak. Around here, deer don't run away or anything like that. They kind of look at you and, as long as you aren't running toward them whooping and hollering, generally just continue doing whatever they were doing - which is usually eating or walking across the street to annoy motorists.

Aw, isn't this little one cute?


I took some pictures of clouds. Well, some just have Pikes Peak or other natural features in them, but the idea was to shoot some pictures of clouds.