
Friday, November 10, 2017

Sunset Over the Mountains

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset in Colorado Springs. The leaves are still on most of the trees, but winter is coming. Right at sunset, there are beautiful colors over the mountains, giving very nice contrasts. While I was taking these shots, an older woman walked by and commented on how beautiful the sunset was. Apparently, she was out to take in the sight as well, and let me tell you, it has to be special to get locals out into the night air. This was an unusual show, but there are many such distinctive views in Colorado.

I also included a few shots of my front yard tree in full fall colors. I have a few other shots of it which I will post elsewhere, but these were taken in twilight so I felt they belonged here.

So, anyway, I like these shots, taken in Colorado Springs facing west on October 22, 2017. The thing I strive for most is distinctive, mellow colors which portray a scene that is almost like an oil painting. If I capture an elusive moment in time, so much the better. I may or may not have achieved that here, but that is the goal.

I hope you enjoy the vibrant colors as much as I do.

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs

Sunset Colorado Springs


Friday, September 15, 2017

2017 Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off

Labor Day Balloon Festival

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017
Colorado Springs balloons.

I got up and out on the saturday morning of the Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off. It's an annual massing of balloons which I suppose is famous. Anyway, it is just a fifteen-minute drive from my house, so, why not go? Most years I do. This year, 2017, I did.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

There are dozens of balloons inflated at the same time. It's tough to get them all in frame at the same time because, well, they're kind of big. Anyway, hopefully these few snaps give you an idea of how big they are. I went for the lift off on Monday morning, too, but the winds didn't allow a takeoff, unfortunately.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

The skydiver team at the US Air Force Academy, the "Wings of Blue, performed as well. They're very precise and come down right where they intend to. On a nice, sunny morning, they make a great impression.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

The Labor Day balloon event is one of the highlights of the year in Colorado Springs. I'll try to make it next year, too.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

The crowds were lively. However, it always is a bittersweet weekend.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

No matter how much fun you have, you realize it's over - summer is over. And, the summer of 2017 is never coming back again.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thunderbirds 2017 Air Force Academy Graduation

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony

Some video and pictures that I took at the 24 May 2017 Air Force Academy graduation ceremony Thunderbirds Flyover. This video obviously was taken in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the site of the US Air Force Academy. My filming location was across Ronald Reagan Highway (its official name, though nobody calls it that) from Falcon Stadium. The weather was clear with a slight breeze of about five knots from the north. Thankfully, it did not rain immediately after the ceremony as it tends to do.

The pictures and video speak for themselves. Having viewed several of these now, I can tell you that the Thunderbirds did their standard routine. Nobody crashed, as was the case in 2016.

Overall, an expertly executed performance by the best in the business.

 Thanks for stopping by.

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony

Thunderbirds US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony