
Friday, September 15, 2017

2017 Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off

Labor Day Balloon Festival

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017
Colorado Springs balloons.

I got up and out on the saturday morning of the Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off. It's an annual massing of balloons which I suppose is famous. Anyway, it is just a fifteen-minute drive from my house, so, why not go? Most years I do. This year, 2017, I did.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

There are dozens of balloons inflated at the same time. It's tough to get them all in frame at the same time because, well, they're kind of big. Anyway, hopefully these few snaps give you an idea of how big they are. I went for the lift off on Monday morning, too, but the winds didn't allow a takeoff, unfortunately.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

The skydiver team at the US Air Force Academy, the "Wings of Blue, performed as well. They're very precise and come down right where they intend to. On a nice, sunny morning, they make a great impression.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

The Labor Day balloon event is one of the highlights of the year in Colorado Springs. I'll try to make it next year, too.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

The crowds were lively. However, it always is a bittersweet weekend.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017

No matter how much fun you have, you realize it's over - summer is over. And, the summer of 2017 is never coming back again.

Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off 2017